TRE®: shake off stress and trauma

TRE® (Trauma and Tension Release Exercises)

Activating the body’s innate ability to deal with stress and trauma.


I’ve always been fascinated by bodywork therapy. The body is the best and easiest instrument to connect with the soul. Recently, I had the fortune to get in touch with TRE ® (Trauma and Tension Release Exercises).

A good friend of mine is a clinical psychologist. In his form of therapy he primarily uses language to solve complex issues. Language is an excellent tool to dive into the soul, but it is inherently limited. (I wrote a guide on how to use creative writing as a healing mechanism). Ever since he started practicing as a professional he noticed that speech therapy would only get his patients so far.

He has been experimenting and educating himself with other methods that are more focused on the unity of mind and body. Since we share the same passion and curiosity for the mind-body connection, he gifted me a TRE session with a licensed professional. “I want you to experience this for yourself. It’s something unique, and it’s been proven to be effective.” I was intrigued and accepted this opportunity with open arms.

In this blog you’ll read what TRE® is, my experience trying it for the first time, and how it could be of service to you.

What is TRE®?

TRE® or Trauma and Tension Release Exercises, is a somatic body-based practice for people suffering with stress, anxiety, trauma or PTSD. The technique has been developed and popularised by David Berceli, Ph.D; an international expert in the areas of trauma intervention, stress reduction and resiliency strengthening. A distinguishing aspect is that it doesn’t require talking about an event, feeling or issue, therefore it overcomes the language barriers that can bring up added stress. TRE® includes a series of easy stretches using the muscles of the lower body and builds up a little shaking in the legs.

Once the body is shaking, you lie on the floor, and encourage these natural vibrations to move through the body, without trying to control them. Most people enjoy the sensation of shaking; for some, they report a physical or emotional release, without becoming overwhelmed by the process.

The body keeps the score

During our daily life we are constantly experiencing stressors: a stream of information, emotions, impressions flow in through our senses, but when traveling through the body they become stagnant and nestle themselves in our muscles. This is how tension and stress are materialised in the body. The energy gets stuck because we shut down our innate ability to release it.

The mechanism that TRE® focuses on exists in all mammals. It is the body’s most natural and organic way of unravelling contractions. Simultaneously it reduces the charge of stress hormones and unhealthy chemical build-ups.

The goal of this shaking ability is to bring the body back into a state of homeostasis.

Homeostasis is the body's ability to maintain stable internal conditions despite changes in the external environment. It’s the body’s way of pushing back to any type of stress. 


My first experience

I went into the session without any expectations. In fact, I did an active effort to research as little as possible. I happened to be in a very emotionally turbulent period back then. I remember ringing the doorbell and feeling a heavy weight on my chest.

We talked for a short period of time, but the therapist quickly showed me the mat. “It makes more sense to do it, than to talk about it.”, she said.

We started by warming up my body. I did exercises that targeted the biggest lower muscle groups; feet, legs, hips, core. The goal was to active the body, not to fatigue it. I would do the exercises until I felt an effort of 7 out of 10. Meanwhile, she asked me to describe what I was feeling physically. This warm-up sequence was all about making me connect with my body, to start a conversation with it.

Multiple times I was told that I had full control of the session. If something didn’t feel right, I could stop at any moment. Having that reassurance made me feel at ease and safe.

Every exercise led up to the final and most important phase. I was asked to lay on my back with my legs in butterfly pose. I relaxed in this position, focused on my breathing and kept feeling the tension in my chest. I gradually brought my knees closer together. All of a sudden, the shaking started. It began as tiny movements in my groin, but as I continued, it grew into huge tremors. My legs were moving uncontrollably. It was a weird and new sensation, but I loved the feeling of it. I felt as if my body was taking care of itself and discharging what it didn’t need anymore. Somehow it felt as if “me, Durim” wasn’t part of the equation anymore. My controlling tendencies couldn’t take form anymore. The only control I had was to let go even more.

I was letting my body do the thing it knew best. In the background there was a soft guitar playing. Ten minutes in, I went into a state of synesthesia. The two predominant sensory inputs -sound and feeling- merged into each other. I felt like my shaking muscles were the vibrating guitar strings. It was divine, almost like dancing. My body had become the instrument.

To conclude the session, I stretched my legs, pulled my toes towards my face and regained full control over my body. Before getting up, I had some time to land. The therapist asked me how I was feeling. For once, I was speechless. The sensation was so new and my mind had been blank throughout the shaking. I felt the same bliss as after a good yoga session. I paused for a minute, trying to find the right words to describe my experience. Eventually, I looked up and said: “Space…

…it has give me more space. I feel the shaking released cropped up energies that had been stored in my body for a very long time.”

I don’t know which stressors got released, but my therapist told me that doesn’t matter. It felt like I had more room to feel again. I felt stronger and more resilient to deal with acute stressors. The tension in my chest was still there, but lighter than before. I felt lighter in general.

Since then, I’ve practiced the method on my own and managed to activate the shaking every time. Once I got a feeling for it, it became easier. Doing the exercise makes me feel more connected to my body. I don’t have to let stress build up to a critical point anymore to get rid of it. Now, I am able to regulate myself quickly and effectively.

Is TRE® worth it?

TRE® is a non-intrusive therapy that works directly on the body. Essentially, it offers you a tool to help regulate yourself. You allow the body to take care of itself in the way that it was designed to do.

Practicing it walks on a fine line between giving up control and taking it back.

The cool thing about doing a TRE® session with a certified professional is that you learn how to practice the technique. After that initial session you can continue doing it on your own, making it a very affordable form of therapy.

Blog out!


Leh, Ladakh



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